in'Analytical Applications Basel III


In response to the recent global financial crisis, the Basel III regulatory requirements are considered robust and far reaching; however, banks are finding it challenging to operationally comply with these regulations. In recognition of these regulatory challenges, valoores' in' Analytical Applications Basel III solution has been architected based on a unified platform, which breaks down the traditional analytical silos within a financial institution, including risk, performance and finance. Leveraging this unified framework gives senior management a more complete and integrated view of the risks across the enterprise, thus strengthening the decision making process at all levels.


  • Meet multi-jurisdictional Basel III requirements in a phased approach
  • Reduce TCO by leveraging existing investments
  • Manage business effectively through a common Risk & Finance Architecture
  • Achieve capital adequacy compliance with pre-built rules and analytics
  • Maximize performance leveraging engineered systems with the power of in-database technologies
  • Leverage pre-defined reports and dashboards for both management and regulatory reporting
  • Reduce cycle time and improve usefulness of management information