Lines of Business

“Managing the complexity of your business in an interconnected world!”

Banking, Finance & Insurance

valoores offers a wide array of solutions capable of tackling the financial obstacles encountered from day to day operations to end of year reports. Business Intelligence shifted from a luxury to a need, this is why valoores’ in’Via puzzles out Governance, Compliance, Profitability and Financial drawbacks and pains under one Dynamic, Friendly and Multi-device Dashboard with unlimited drill downs using multiple reporting tools.

Retail & Supply Chain

At valoores, our 25+ years of expertise in the retail discipline helped us identify Retailer’s pains and setbacks. Whether its Silo’ed operations, Supplier Negotiations or Competition, valoores’ Retail solutions guide the Retailers to a more profitable, and long term planning strategies. valoores’ Retail solutions are the pride of our company as we managed to deliver intelligent solutions to world class retailers.

Multimedia Communication

valoores Multimedia Communication Department is a pioneer in the area of digital transformation and interactive communications, a continuum-of-services approach that works on establishing individual and corporate branding strategies with emphasis on creative designs, and content production enabling intuitive web interfaces.

Healthcare Research & Lab

valoores was able to provide solutions to Tier 1 medical institutions, helping increasing profitability by specialities, HRGs (Healthcare Resource Groups), gender, and age. The need to identify patterns of cost and profitability by admission method and specialty are covered all under one interactive, web-based dashboards for real-time decision making and better overview on day to day operations.

Government, Education & Outsourcing

Government, Universities, and Schools data are enormous and complex to deal with. valoores solutions ensure a digital transformation through process improvement combined with an organization change management, and risk mitigation. This covers the need of decisions makers to stay on top of the critical operations, maximize performance and opportunities, identify potential issues earlier, and address them before they escalate into real problems.

valoores Institute

The communication revolution bears just as much on the way we conduct our training as well as on the way we conduct our business. Technology is appreciated and embraced in the business world by employees and executives alike, to aid in reducing costs, optimizing administrative tasks and supporting profitable decision-making results. valoores brings our training capabilities to your screen around the world as well as around the corner.

in'Via, in'Profit & in'Analitica

valoores delivers pre-built KPIs & KRIs, tied to our clients’ strategies, to set goals through series of objectives defined upfront, and monitored through upstream and downstream workflow notifications.
valoores in'Analitica evaluates historical trends, seasonality, elasticity, confidence intervals, and outliers to produce forecast and accentuate decision making, strategies and conflicts’ resolution, based on forecast-aware BI.
in’Profit solution addresses the enterprise wide performance management